Bachelor's Plus Accelerated Graduate Programs

专为RWU本科生和部分合作院校设计, Bachelor’s Plus programs provide a convenient, affordable option to pursue your graduate degree. 

View our virtual session about the Bachelor's Plus Programs

(presented 5/12/20)

How do these programs work?

Depending on your undergraduate program, 你可以在大四的时候在RWU攻读研究生课程,获得许多学士学位课程. 有些课程允许将本科和研究生阶段的课程计网赌的十大网站分, saving you considerable money and time to start your graduate degree. Once you complete your bachelor’s degree, you’ll complete your graduate degree in a condensed amount of time, save money on your tuition, and start in the workforce more quickly than pursuing degrees elsewhere.  

  • Save Money
    In addition to offering scholarships in some programs, 学士加课程允许学生在大四开始研究生课程,或者在某些本科学位课程毕业后限制研究生阶段所需的学分数量. 学生还可以节省住宿和相关费用与较短的研究生学习时间.
  • Save Time
    While most master's degrees take two years to complete, many Bachelor’s Plus options cut as much as a year from graduate study, 允许学生进入劳动力市场,比其他项目更早开始赚钱.
  • Early acceptance and advisement
    大多数参加学士+课程的学生将在大三申请,并在大四开始一些研究生课程. 早期课程提供了一个无风险的机会,可以在没有重大财务承诺的情况下参加研究生课程.
  • Experiential
    Much like undergraduate study at RWU, 我们几乎所有的研究生课程都提供体验式教育,并要求实习, student research, study abroad, service learning opportunities, and more.                                                                                       
  • Convenience
    Students end up loving Roger for one reason or another. By pursuing a Bachelor’s Plus program, 你可以选择继续在这里攻读研究生学位.                

Select from one of the available Bachelor's Plus programs:

Prepare for practice with an in-depth understanding of the discipline, guaranteed scholarships and paid internships, and opportunities to learn from teaching firms in residence. The M.Arch为学生在美国获得执照提供必要的证书. 本科课程的学生在开始研究生课程之前,在大四学习最多两门研究生课程. 

Learn more about the 4+2 in Architecture (M.Arch)

借鉴Gabelli商学院教师深厚的学术和专业经验, the 36-credit M.B.A. 该计划通过必要的实习和国际经验,为核心商业学科提供坚实的基础,并提供实际应用. 该计划旨在使学生成为战略思想家,问题解决者和领导者. RWU students take one MBA course during the undergraduate senior year, allowing the course to count toward undergraduate and graduate course requirements.

Learn more about the 3+1 and 4+1 in Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Structured with two graduate courses taken during the senior year, the 36-credit M.S. 刑事司法课程旨在帮助你在刑事司法教育的研究和实践之间建立实质性的联系. 该计划为您提供沉浸在该领域的应用性质的机会,同时也进行高质量的研究.

Learn more about the 4+1 in Criminal Justice

专为拥有历史保护或保护研究本科学位的学生设计, the M.S. 在一个日历年里,只需要34个学分就可以完成保护实践. 该课程为学生在文化资源管理领域的实践做准备, community planning, and place-based revitalization and redevelopment. 该方案结合了多学科的方法与基于现场的专业保存产品的严格核心, 并在学习期间为学生提供有保障的带薪实习.

Learn more about the 4+1 in Preservation Practices

认识到对所有教育工作者日益增长的需求,要求他们具备支持特殊学生的特殊技能, the M.A. 特殊教育课程为RWU提供的本科初始教学认证课程提供了完美的补充. 对特殊教育工作感兴趣的杰出RWU本科生可以获得六个硕士研究生学分.A. Special Education program during their senior year and, if in good standing, 继续一年的全日制学习(小学或中等特殊教育).

Learn more about the 4+1 in Special Education

通过RWU的三加三法律课程,在六年内获得学士学位和法学博士学位. You’ll get a jump-start on your J.D. 通过将法律课程整合到你的本科学习中,并在法学院的第一年完成本科要求. 感兴趣的学生必须在本科学习早期表明他们想要攻读3+3课程的意图,以便进行课程规划和咨询. 

This program is administered through the School of Law. 所有有兴趣申请该课程的学生必须遵守法学院公布的网赌的十大网站要求. 

Learn more about the 3+3 Juris Doctor/Bachelor's Program

Ready to Apply?

大多数学士加课程的申请截止日期是大三下学期的4月1日. Please note that students applying to the J.D. 3+3 programs must apply through the RWU School of Law and should work with their academic advisors for appropriate planning. 

对于对硕士学位感兴趣的学生,作为学士加课程的一部分, please submit the following items to the Office of Graduate Admission:

  1. Completed application form online
  2. 意向书(最多两页双倍行距),描述您对计划项目的兴趣, career goals, 以及你如何为网赌的十大网站的研究生项目做出积极贡献
  3. 两封来自专业人士或学术机构的推荐信,证明你在研究生院取得成功的潜力. (Architecture students are exempt from this requirement)
  4. RWU官方成绩单(研究生招生办公室将代表您索取这些成绩单).

您的意向书和推荐信可以直接通过电子邮件发送给我们 Emailed letters of recommendation must come directly from your recommenders.