
和平 stands for Peer Empowerment, Advocacy/Activism, and Community Engagement. 和平 is a social justice community comprised of students who want to work to make a difference on campus, in their communities and in the world.

Engaging in critical social justice learning and practice requires moral courage, 对学习的承诺, 自我意识, deep humility and compassion. As a member of the 和平程序 community, you are encouraged to lean into discomfort, knowing that learning often occurs in the place of unease and when you allow yourself to take risks and make mistakes. The strength and health of this community relies heavily on your commitment to engage with your peers in a respectful manner.

和平 is a community of students who value equity, 多样性, 包容, 跨文化学习, 社区参与, and social justice activism. The program seeks to build strong leaders who understand the importance of critical social justice literacy and fluency.

和平 is invested in ensuring that students have a positive and successful learning experience by creating opportunities for genuine community connections, self-exploration and discoveries of social justice interests, developing 跨文化学习, and fostering social justice leadership skills.

The recruitment for 和平 will begin in the Fall of 2021 and will be led by three student leaders who will guide the meetings and prepare the dialogues. The fall will be for community building and engagement and the spring will be 14 weeks of learning and action.

You will have an opportunity to join 和平 in Fall of 2021.