Special Education (M.A. 4+1)

设计为教师准备支持学生的各种能力,M.A. 特殊教育4+1机会允许特殊的高级小学或中学教育专业的学生在一个日历年内完成硕士课程,在大四期间选修两门研究生课程.

The M.A. 特殊教育项目由罗德岛州教育部(RIDE)认证,并与罗德岛州专业教学标准(RIPTS)和特殊儿童委员会(CEC)特殊教育者职业道德和标准保持一致. The program has a particular focus on equity, culturally responsive and evidence-based teaching practices, and inclusion of students with high incidence disabilities. 

申请特殊教育执照的考生将在当地学校进行临床实习, 在获得特殊教育认证的学校临床教育工作者那里完成实习.  该计划要求候选人完成相当于一年的住院医师和60小时的额外临床实习,以满足2022年12月生效的罗德岛认证规定.  该项目还要求在城市学区至少学习30个小时, and encourages candidates to spend more time in high-need districts.    

If you already have your bachelor's degree, please view the full-time and part-time M.A. Special Education information


The 4+1 M.A. 特殊教育计划允许杰出的罗杰威廉姆斯大学本科初等教育或中等教育专业的学生有机会在他们的最后一年获得六个研究生学分, if in good standing, 继续一年的全日制学习(小学或中等特殊教育). 被这个项目录取的学生在大四的时候要上两门课程(一门在秋季,一门在春季). 其余八门课程(九门为二级证书考生)作为研究生在一年的全日制学习中完成. 对本课程感兴趣的考生必须在本科三年级申请有条件录取.  

4+1 Program Benefits
  • Save Money
    The M.A. 特殊教育4+1课程允许学生在大四开始研究生课程, which results in a net savings of nearly $4,000 during graduate coursework. 
  • Save Time
    而大多数特殊教育的研究生学位需要一年半或更长时间才能完成, the 4+1 opportunity is completed in just one calendar year, 允许学生进入劳动力市场,比其他项目更早开始赚钱.
  • Early acceptance and advisement
    特殊教育4+1学生将在大三申请,并在大四开始一些研究生课程. 早期课程提供了一个无风险的机会,可以在没有重大财务承诺的情况下参加研究生课程.
  • Experiential
    就像RWU教育部门的本科学习一样,M.A. 特殊教育计划提供广泛的实地工作,为学生在课堂上的职业生涯做好准备.                                                                                      
  • Convenience
    Students end up loving Roger for one reason or another. By pursuing the Special Education 4+1 opportunity, 学生可以在他们熟悉和喜爱的校园继续一年的RWU经历.              
Senior Year Fall Term
EDU 608: Legal & Ethical Foundations of Special Education (3 credits)Online
Senior Year Spring Term
EDU 607: Exceptionality Research (3 credits)Online
Summer II Term
EDU 612: Collaboration, Co-Teaching, & Consultation (3 credits)Hybrid
EDU 613:  Cultivating Pro Social Behavior (3 credits)Hybrid
Fall Semester
EDU 622:基于研究的读写实践III:准备战略读者,K-12 (3 credits)Hybrid
EDU 635: Assessment & Planning (3 credits)Hybrid
EDU 640: Interventions in Mathematics & Content Areas in Special Education (3 credits)Hybrid
EDU 644: Post-Secondary Transition Planning (2 credits - Secondary Candidates Only)Hybrid
Winter Term
EDU 642: Special Education Practicum (3 credits)Clinical Placement
Spring Semester
EDU 651: Special Education Internship (9 credits)Clinical Placement
EDU 652: Special Education Capstone  (3 credits)Hybrid


Admission Requirements

被考虑进入特殊教育硕士学位课程, 4+1 candidates must be in good academic standing. 

Admission requirements include:

  1. Completed online application.
    The graduate application fee is waived for RWU undergraduates.
  2. Official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate coursework.
    The Office of Graduate Admission will obtain these on your behalf.
  3. Statement of Intent (three pages, double-spaced maximum) detailing: A) Why you hold the dispositions to become a special education teacher committed to equity; and B) Experiences that inspired your desire to work with youth with exceptionalities
  4. Two professional letters of recommendation 证明你在研究生院的潜在成功,并与特殊的孩子一起工作(其中一封信必须来自观察过你与孩子一起工作的直接主管)
  5. Interview with a faculty member from the RWU Special Education Program.
  6. Current resume.
  7. A copy of a current BCI (刑事鉴定局)背景调查或同等文件
    RWU本科教学候选人必须在本科学习期间完成BCI. We will obtain this from the RWU Department of Education. 

RWU透露,特殊教育文学硕士和教育文学学士不满足作为小学或中学公立学校教育工作者执照的所有教育要求. 认证和执照要求由罗德岛州教育部(RIDE)制定。, and students interested in learning about RIDE requirements, including state reciprocity policies, should enquire via the RIDE website 或者在学生居住的州的网站上了解教育工作者执照要求的最新信息.