
All 生物学 majors graduate proficient in research and go on to work on the forefront of research, 创新, 教育, 通过科学的行动来改变世界, 在细胞和分子生物学等领域工作, 病毒学, 微生物学, 动物行为, 植物学, 与生态.




Our 2022 graduates found success in employment or in graduate school within 6 months of graduation.



生物学 and 环境科学 students participate in community-engaged projects and internships during their undergraduate, 研究, giving them the skills and diverse experiences that are most desirable for employers and graduate school admission.



每学年, over 80 students conduction research with faculty and/or care for organisms in our labs. Students are encouraged to participate in research opportunities starting in their first year.



当学生完成生物学或海洋生物学的专业时, 他/她需要具备以下能力:

  1. 提出一个科学问题
  2. design a properly controlled experiment or field study that tests a clearly-stated hypothesis
  3. evaluate evidence critically and quantitatively, and apply this knowledge to novel situations.
  4. effectively communicate scientific knowledge orally, graphically, and in writing
  5. conduct a search of peer-reviewed print and electronic resources relevant to a research project in the life sciences
  6. 了解大分子在细胞过程中的作用
  7. understand the relationship between the structure and function of cellular components
  8. understand the relationship between the structure and function of major organ systems
  9. 了解生理稳态的机制
  10. describe cellular and physiological adaptations that have evolved in a variety of phyla
  11. understand the key discoveries of modern biology (including molecular biology and bioinformatics)
  12. 了解遗传的细胞和分子机制
  13. 了解物种概念和影响生物多样性的因素
  14. 描述进化的模式和机制
  15. 了解类群之间的系统发育关系是如何确定的
  16. describe the patterns and mechanisms of population distribution, growth and regulation
  17. understand the flow of matter and energy through natural systems from the molecular to the ecosystem level
  18. 描述自然系统中生物和非生物因素之间的相互作用
  19. 了解生物体的生命史策略
  20. 描述全球主要的生物群落和生物群系
  21. understand significant interactions and dependencies between human and natural systems

的 Marine and Natural Sciences building is equipped with advanced laboratory research space along with an Aquatic Diagnostic Laboratory and a greenhouse. 的 facilities house advanced research instruments including real-time PCR machines, 荧光和共聚焦显微镜, 细胞培养设备, 还有一个流式细胞仪. 我们的研究人员使用包括细菌在内的模式生物, 酵母, 轮虫, 果蝇, 变形虫, 和斑马鱼, 同时也研究陆地和海洋微生物, 无脊椎动物, 沙漠植物, 和macroalgae. 



在生物实验室做研究的学生Are you interested in a career in the health professions and want more information on developing your 研究 toward professional preparation? Our interdisciplinary team of 教师 Health Profession Advisors help students chart individualized pre-Health paths including Pre-Medicine, Pre-Dentistry, Pre-Pharmacy, Pre-Veterinary医学, 和更多的. Visit Health Professions Advising for resources on how you can explore your options for health professions pathways.


赚一瓶药.D. 七年内  

而不是花了八年时间才得到一个药房.D., 3+4生物-制药.D. 双学位课程使学生获得B.S. 在RWU获得生物学学位和药学学位.D. from the Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in only seven years. 


克里斯·伯特纳的大头照Dr. 克里斯托弗Burtner

主要研究方向: 生物学 of aging; Stem cells and gene therapy; CRISPR基因编辑; Molecular biology; Translational biomedicine. 

学生的机会: 酵母和C。CRISPR基因编辑和转录激活. elegans; Identification of genetic pathways involved in regulating longevity; Effect of longevity- promoting pathways on neurodegeneration. 

Dr. Avelina埃斯皮诺萨阿维利娜·埃斯皮诺萨的大头照

主要研究方向: Novel therapies to manage amebiasis; Molecular 微生物学; Origin and evolution of anaerobic pathways; Evolution/science literacy. 

学生的机会: Identification and testing of natural and synthetic anti-amebic drugs; Mechanism of action of anti-amebic drugs; Using protists as models for exploring the impact of climate change; Scientific assessments of student/faculty views on evolution, 科学和反智主义运动. 

玛西·马斯顿的大头照Dr. 马西马斯顿

主要研究方向: Coevolution of bacteria and viruses; Diversity and distribution of marine viruses; Viral genome evolution. 

学生的机会: Evolution of viral virulence; Isolation and identification of marine viruses; Kinetics of viral infection; Viral genome evolution; Horizontal gene transfer of viral genes. 


玛丽·迪安吉洛的大头照 “本科 research at Roger Williams University changed my entire educational experience. 它让我对我的领域有了更多的了解,这也是我获得博士学位的原因.D. 程序.” 

Ph.D. 布法罗大学生物医学科学专业


凯丽·沙利文的大头照"I knew I wanted to work in genetic counseling, which has a very large biology component. 大四的时候,我在Dr. 克里斯·伯特纳的遗传学实验室, which made me love doing research and inspired me to look for research jobs specifically."




作为一名生物专业的学生, 你可以通过实习获得实际经验, 这通常会导致全职工作. 我们的学生实习组织包括:

  • 辉瑞公司.
  • 安进公司
  • 疾病控制和预防中心
  • 罗得岛州卫生部
  • 拯救海湾
  • 奥杜邦教育中心



本科研究被纳入生物学课程, 让学生有机会通过做研究获得学分, 制定提案并竞争小额赠款以资助他们的项目, 并在区域上展示他们的发现, 国内和国际会议. Projects in the 生物学 department address questions of evolutionary biology, 衰老的分子生物学和抗菌药物的设计.


  • 海洋病毒的遗传和进化  
  • 抗阿米巴药物的生物技术  
  • 重金属生态毒理学  
  • 发育遗传学  
  • 衰老和长寿的分子遗传学  
  • 植物光合作用途径的进化  
  • CRISPR基因编辑  
  • 土壤无脊椎动物 



的 多元文化STEM联盟 aims to strengthen the sense of community among students of color in STEM majors at RWU by offering activities, 指导, 以及在学校内外建立人脉的机会.