
所有教师, 准备向IACUC委员会提交协议的员工和学生必须首先完成在线培训课程 www.citiprogram.org . Please select “Roger Williams University” in the “participating institutions” drop down box. New users will be prompted to create a user name and password. Select the CITI Recommended Learner group for HSR or Lab/Animal Welfare.



Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals
(from NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare):

http://www.nal.美国agricultural部.gov / awic legislat / 美国agricultural部leg1.htm

Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (O法律):


"IACUC" stands for "Institutio部分 Animal Care and Use Committee.“IACUC的存在是由联邦法规授权的——动物福利法和公共卫生服务(PHS)政策. 接受联邦资助和/或参与任何与动物有关的活动的机构都必须建立一个IACUC,对所有涉及动物的计划和项目进行审查. 罗杰威廉姆斯大学致力于在其项目中人道对待动物以及任何参观校园的动物.

What does the IACUC do and what are its responsibilities?

IACUC负责:审查所有在教学中使用活体脊椎动物的建议, 研究, 展览, 和测试, including regular review of all ongoing projects; inspecting the animal facilities at least once every six months; reviewing the IACUC program every six months; submitting semiannual reports based on the semiannual inspections and program reviews to the Provost; submitting an annual report to the Natio部分 Institutes of Health's Office of Laboratory Animal Welfares (O法律), detailing changes in the animal care and use program, IACUC成员的变化, and the results of the semiannual inspections and program reviews; educating and 培训 personnel involved in animal projects; investigating all concerns involving the care and use of animals at RWU; suspending previously approved animal-related activity if the committee determines that the activity is not being conducted in compliance with the Animal Welfare Act, 小灵通政策, or RWU Assurance; and making recommendations to the Provost regarding the animal care and use program, RWU动物设施, and the care and use 培训 programs available to RWU personnel.

What kinds of projects must be submitted for IACUC review?

IACUC必须审查所有涉及为任何目的使用任何脊椎动物(包括动物)的项目, 但不限于, 农业, 生物医学, 以及行为研究, 教学, 测试, and 展览 projects) to ensure compliance with University policy and federal regulations.


作为任何动物活动的首席研究员或主任的任何教职员工必须提交一份IACUC协议. Students who will be conducting an animal project (e.g. for a thesis project) should submit the project in collaboration with their faculty adviser. 此类学生协议应在导师列为首席研究员和学生列为联合首席研究员的情况下提交.

What if the animals will be on campus for just one day for a special activity or demonstration?

RWU办公室 环境健康与安全 承担与校园动物有关的动物护理责任,不用于研究或教学. To ensure the well-being and proper care of animals on campus, 任何个人(教员), 学生或组织)希望将动物带入校园必须向EHS提交访问脊椎动物表格. 的 来访的脊椎动物 并且可以在网上找到说明.


Either a new protocol form or an amendment form may be submitted for review. 修订表格仅用于寻求批准对先前批准的IACUC协议的更改. 参与该项目的每个人还必须提供文件,证明他们已经完成了与动物一起工作所需的培训课程.


Forms are available on the IACUC website or through the IACUC chairperson.

When must projects be submitted to the IACUC for review?

所有的文书工作必须提交和批准之前,与动物的任何工作是开始. 填妥的申请书必须在会议召开前不迟于10天提交给美洲咨委会主席. 的re is a designated review process for amendments and continuing reviews between meetings, please contact the IACUC chairperson for more information.


的 length of the review period may vary from one week to several weeks, depending on nature of the project and when the protocol is submitted. PI可能需要证明协议的合理性或向委员会提供额外的支持性信息.

Where should IACUC protocols be submitted?

All IACUC forms and paperwork should be submitted to the IACUC chairperson.


的 committee is mandated to meet at least twice a year. 为了满足秋季学期和春季学期提交协议的需要,还安排了额外的会议.

When can I find out whether my application has received committee approval?

IACUC主席可以在动物保护和使用委员会会议后24小时内提供口头或电子邮件通知. Approved IACUC protocols must be signed by the Provost before the 研究 can begin. Applicants are usually notified in writing within 4-5 working days.

How long is an approved protocol good for?

O法律 regulations state that protocols will expire three years from the date of approval. 所有批准的协议都需要每年审查一次,并且必须提交年度进度报告以供批准.

If I received word that my project was approved, when can I start my project?

Approved IACUC protocols must be signed by the Provost before the 研究 can begin. 一旦您收到签署的协议并获得完全批准,您就可以立即开始使用动物.

Will I be notified when it is time for me to renew my protocol?

是的. 当您的申请到期时,IACUC主席将至少提前4周通过电子邮件通知您. 需要提交一份新的协议,其中包含项目继续进行的最新理由.



When should I report changes or modifications to my protocol?

PIs are required to notify the committee of any changes made to any currently active protocol. 典型的更改可能包括, 项目人员, 动物的数量和种类, modifications to the experimental methods or procedures, special requirements for animal husbandry and housing, 等.

If you are reporting minor changes to the approved protocol, you may the appropriate change forms which can be found on-line. RWU的IACUC有一个人事变更表,用于在协议中添加或删除学生或其他人员. 对PI状态的任何更改都被认为是重大更改,并且需要新的协议. Please keep in mind when making changes in the personnel, new personnel are required to complete the IACUC 培训 prior to working with the animals.